



Ganesh Ramasamy- Making Friends with the Locals/高雄輕軌的生力軍 Ganesh Ramasamy


Ganesh Ramasamy- Making Friends with the Locals

◎English translation: Peng Hsin-yi

◎Photo by Hou Ya-ting


  Spanish based CAF (Construcciones Y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles) is the contracted company that is responsible for building Kaohsiung's Light Rail Transit. Many foreign nationals have contributed significantly to its construction. Having arrived in Kaohsiung a year ago, Ganesh Ramasamy is one of the foreign nationals who has been working on the project. His role is the Warranty Manager. A Malaysian of Indian decent, he said half of Malaysian population originated from India, while the other from China. Growing up with such diverse society, the Chinese culture was familiar to him. He feels that due to his multicultural background it has been easy for him to adapt and blend into life in Kaohsiung.

  Mr. Ramasamy pointed out that Kaohsiung's Light Rail Transit is the first in the world to have a catenary-free system. The exciting project was a substantial contract for CAF. Now that it has been completed, it is the pride and joy of Kaohsiung. "If someone wants to experience the most advanced light rail transit in the world, they've got to come to Kaohsiung!" he exclaims.

  Mr. Ramasamy converses in Mandarin at a conversational level, but has limited Taiwanese. However, he has made many great friends with the Kaohsiung locals; many of whom do not speak English. He also goes to the traditional market where he gets his fish. He has made friends with an older lady that has a market stall. The lady sold him the fish at a much lower price than the previous man that he bought fish from. Now he is a loyal customer to the lady he calls "auntie". He likes it that she explains to him in great detail how fresh the fish is and the characteristics of the catch of the day. Although he doesn't understand most of what she says, he always catches the gist and every time he goes back, she is always happy to see him. "I buy fish from Auntie and no other!" he declares. It goes to show that language is no barrier when it comes to friendship. Mr. Ramasamy feels that in order for one to get a more authentic experience living in Kaohsiung, it is important to respect and identify with the local culture and participate in local activities.


高雄輕軌的生力軍 Ganesh Ramasamy



  高雄輕軌第一階段試營運將於今(2015)年8月上路,有許多外籍朋友也一同為輕軌建設貢獻心力,Ganesh Ramasamy是輕軌統包廠商西班牙CAF公司保固經理,一年前進駐高雄服務,Ganesh指出,高雄輕軌是全世界第一個採用全線無架空線系統的城市,因此高雄輕軌對他所屬的西班牙CAF公司意義重大,更是高雄的榮耀,Ganesh 說:「未來想體驗最先進的輕軌,就得造訪高雄!」


  Ganesh僅會說基礎的中文和一點點台語,令人詫異的是,他卻與許多壓根就不會說英文的高雄人成為老朋友。Ganesh會到傳統市場買魚,搭配從馬來西亞帶來的印度香料烹飪,有回他上市場買魚,漁販是位年長的阿姨,他驚訝的發現,漁販阿姨實惠的價格遠比他上次向別攤購買一模一樣的漁貨來得便宜許多,自此,Ganesh成為忠實顧客,每回阿姨總再三跟他解釋魚的特色和魚貨有多新鮮,聽不懂那麼多中文和台語的他卻能從漁販阿姨的情緒和肢體語言,察覺她非常高興他來買魚,Ganesh直言 :「我買魚只跟阿姨買!」足見友誼不受限語言的屏障。


Ms. Fan Tzu-han's Unique Enamel and Metal Craftwork

◎English translation: Wendy Wei Chang 


  Metal craft designer, Ms. Fan Tzu-han shows off her "Corner I" brooch, which recently won second place in the 28th International Cloisonne Jewelry Contest at the Ueno Royal Museum in Tokyo. The brooch was crafted from a combination of enamel and metal and is symbolic of her old san ho yuan (traditional Taiwanese house). The image on the brooch is a rice paddy seen from a window with an egret resting on the sill. Copper was used to create the sun-drenched trees, and tile from Ms. Fan's hometown was also incorporated. The delicate brooch reflects memories of the artist's hometown.

  Ms. Fan created her own jewelry brand "Iry Fang" after completing her Master's degree at Tainan National University of the Arts. She specializes in metal crafts, brooches, earrings, and necklaces etc. Her work is creative and designs are inspired by her own perspectives, feelings and life experiences. Taiwanese tiles have become an important component as she feels it reflects Taiwanese culture. She also incorporates polished pebbles technique (a technique that was used in Taiwanese old buildings) to create a series of necklaces. Ms. Fan used plastic-steel soil and colorful pebbles to create various shapes of jewelry. She combines classic enamel, metals craft and her polished pebble technique to present modern brooches, earrings and necklaces.

  Ms. Fan is constantly finding new ways to create unique and marketable jewelry. Each piece is an original design inspired by her mood. Her work is always heartwarming and creative. She even has some longtime, loyal customers. Some of her customers have collected her jewelry while she was still a student.

  Ms. Fan confesses that starting a business is a bit like gambling. However, she faces challenges with fearless determination and never gives up.

   Facebook:Iry Fang Jewelry & Object Design   






  方姿涵自台南藝術大學研究所畢業後自創品牌Iry Fang,專攻金屬物件和首飾設計,創意作品令人驚豔!她的作品反映對日常生活敏銳觀察和感受,成為創作的養分。而她最鍾情的台灣地磚圖騰成為創作主軸,地磚是她觀察台灣文化的紀錄,進而衍生以台灣老建築的「磨石子」技法,發展出一系列別緻的項鍊,使用塑鋼土加入彩色細石磨出不同造形的首飾,結合看似古典的琺瑯、金工以及「磨石子」技法,演繹當代的胸針、耳環和項鍊。

  現階段,她思考著如何把創作製成具市場性的飾品,且不流失她的設計味道 ,保有作品的獨特性。由於她的手作品隨著心境不同而展現各異的創作形式,賦予作品動人的溫度和趣味的意境,有些女性顧客更從方姿涵學生時代就開始收藏她的作品。


   臉書:Iry Fang Jewelry & Object Design