



New Scenic Spots in Kaohsiung/城市亮點


New Scenic Spots in Kaohsiung

◎English translation: Lin Yi-chun ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


  Kaohsiung is constantly evolving, with new exhibits and places to see always being opened. This article will feature Kaohsiung's newest scenic spots, Shoushan Lover's Observatory and the 6-meter giant figures located at Pier-2 Art Centre.


 ※Shoushan Lover's Observatory

壽山情人觀景台的 LOVE鋼雕作品 The love sculpture at Shoushan Lover's observatory  In January 2012, Kaohsiung opened the Shoushan Lover's Observatory. The cosy mountainside rest stop, offers panoramic views of Kaohsiung's mountains, rivers, harbour and sea. At the highest point of Shoushan Mountain, it is located in front of the Shoushan Martyrs' Shrine. It can be identified by its telling tall white steel sculpture of the word Love. In the distance beyond the Love sculpture, there is a great view of the 85 Sky Tower. With Kaohsiung as a backdrop, the simple sculpture makes a great photo. Beside the Love sculpture, there is a three meter observatory. At night, the observatory shelters the light and offers spectacular views of the night sky.

將倉庫化為展覽空間 Transformed from warehouse to exhibition space※Pier-2 Art Centre and its Gigantic Figures

  The best way to experience Kaohsiung's waterfront is by riding along the west side harbour bike path to Pier-2 Art Centre. In 2006, the art centre was transformed from a cluster of abandoned warehouses into an eclectic area for artistic activities and concerts. Some of the centre's features include an artistic graffiti wall, colourful painted figures and warehouses that host regular exhibitions. 駁二提供許多展覽 Exhibitions are now held regularly in the transformed warehouses.Pier-2 Art Centre has gradually expanded with a cluster of international digital and creative companies 數位產業在高雄蓬勃發展,例如兔將創意影業公司 Digital companies bloom at Pier-2, for instance The White Rabbit Entertainmentthat have opened branch offices in the area and are strengthening the region's artistic character. Like the art centre, the bike path was also transformed from the old railway track.

  In February 2013, an outdoor instillation of six meter figures was opened and named "Laborers and Fisher Women". The large figures are situated on both sides of the bike path at Cisian Road and represent the hard working labourers of Kaohsiung's industrial era. The symbols on the sculptures are deconstructed Chinese characters of the word "love". It is certainly symbolic of the warm and friendly character of Kaohsiung.

駁二西臨港線自行車道 The west side bike path at Pier-2 Art Centre 


◎文/侯雅婷 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉






  高雄壽山情人觀景台位處壽山忠烈祠前方,這裏也是壽山的制高點,市政府於2013年1月規劃完成這處綠地休憩空間,踏入這個空間,設置刻有與人等高的LOVE字樣的白色鋼雕作品,從壽山飽覽高雄壯闊的景致 Panoramic views of Kaohsiung from Shoushan從這開放式空間望出去,遠方的高雄地標八五大樓就會出現在是LOVE鋼雕作品一旁。簡潔的白色LOVE鋼雕作品吸引遊客駐足拍照,無論是遠方的市景,或是席地而坐賞景的遊客,都是高雄最動人的一片風景。




巨型公仔─工人與漁婦 Gigantic laborer and fisher woman figures  駁二藝術特區是高雄港碼頭旁的倉庫群,自2006開始,市政府將荒廢的舊倉庫化身為最獨特的藝文場域,舉辦多場的藝術活動乃至音樂會,經過多年耕耘,這股倉庫群的藝術魅力正在蔓延,園區內以牆面彩繪或是彩繪公仔,豐富了藝術氛圍,倉庫定期更新展覽,倉庫外的空間,沿著駁二藝術特區的舊時港邊載送貨物的鐵道,被建構成為最受歡迎的自行車道,駁二藝術特區的使用範圍和效應慢慢擴大,國際知名的數位創意產業相繼選擇落腳駁二,形成產業聚落,這些使得駁二藝術特區人文藝術氛圍的特質更加明顯,臨著港邊,停靠的船舶和轉動的自行車,優雅的演繹港都高雄的休閒風情。
