



EDA Rhinos: Wonderful Games/義大犀牛隊 精彩無限


陳菊市長出席高雄主場開幕首戰表示,中華職棒義大犀牛隊入主高雄後,將與市府合力推廣本市棒球運動,她邀請大家多進球場為高雄在地球隊加油,讓在地球團深耕發展。Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu, shown here watching EDA Rhinos' first home game, says the team has been working closely with the city government to revitalize baseball. Mayor Chen invites everyone to cheer for the EDA Rhinos, and hopes all can help cultivate this local baseball team.EDA Rhinos: Wonderful Games

◎English translation: Tan Shu-chun 

◎Photos courtesy of Pao Chung-hui, Kao Chia-tze, EDA Rhinos


  Since the start of 2013, members of the EDA Rhinos team of the Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) have participated in public events such as the Kaohsiung Lantern Festival and the Kaohsiung International Marathon. Their presence represents the vigor and energy of Kaohsiung City. In the wake of the 2013 World Baseball Classic, the EDA Rhinos team has created a sweeping purple whirlwind, and every Kaohsiung resident has been proud of their outstanding performances.

球迷熱情參與球賽 Fans participate passionately in the games.  Baseball is Taiwan's national sport. Since the CPBL launched in 1990, baseball has continued to gain momentum. However, the sport's popularity declined from its previous heights when a series of baseball-betting scandals harmed its reputation. Sinon Corporation, which suffered heavy financial losses during its ownership of a baseball franchise, sold the Sinon Bulls team to E-United Group in 2011. Kaohsiung-based E-United Group renamed the team EDA Rhinos. They were chartered on December 17, 2012, and the color purple and the rhino mascot were chosen to represent this re-born baseball team.

  E-United Group founder Lin Yi-shou believes sponsoring a baseball team is one of the ways an enterprise can shoulder its social responsibilities. To do the job right, E-United Group assigned Yang Sun-long, one of the group's senior managers, to lead the Rhinos and serve as general manager. Hsu Sheng-ming, a top-flight baseball coach, serves as the team manger. To emulate the best overseas baseball teams, the Rhinos have set up a competitive team of coaches and players. The team not only established an eight-member coaching team for major players, but also recruited senior players such as Hu Chin-lung and Kao Kuo-hui. Star slugger Manny Ramirez is a new addition to the Rhinos. With senior players acting as role models, every team member has spent additional time and effort practicing. As a result, they've been giving their best performances on the field.

  GM Yang says he's proud to see each team member playing to his strengths. For example, Hu and Kao are excellent at hitting and base running. Lin Yi-chung has a high batting-average. Ramirez, always eager to share his baseball knowledge and skills with other players, is an admired figure in the team. That explains why he's popular among both team members and even rivals. The field is always packed with fans whenever Ramirez plays. Yang has also noticed that the Rhinos have helped created bonds of fellowship among E-United Group staff, because now they have a topic of common interests to talk about! 

球員們在做暖身運動,為體能訓練作準備 Players warm up at the start of a training session.  Team manager Hsu points out that professional baseball players must be dedicated to enhancing their physical fitness, skills and mental stamina. They spend a considerable amount of time training so they will excel each game. However, Hsu emphasizes that baseball players should also strive to be a positive influence on society. The EDA Rhinos team is doing its best to provide its players with a high-quality working environment; in return, the players should also give their best in each and every game so more and more fans will be attracted back to the baseball stadium. Hsu encourages the Rhinos to go all out on the field. Every tiny bit multiplies; that's why there are always greater games to look forward to. 

  You're cordially invited to watch baseball games at the Rhinos' home field. Let's cheer the players' impressive performances!

  Useful Information

  EDA Rhinos website: www.eda-rhinos.com.tw
  Chengcing Lake Baseball Stadium
  Address: No.113, Dapi Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City   


1  高國輝     背號:28  投打:右投右打    
   Kao Kuo-hui     #28  Bats: R, Throws: R
 Birth Date: September 26, 1985   

2  曼尼     背號:99 投打:右投右打    
   Manny Ramirez     #61  Bats: R, Throws: R
 Birth Date: May 30, 1972

3  胡金龍     背號:15 投打:右投右打    
   Hu Chin-lung     #15  Bats: R, Throws: R
 Birth Date: February 2, 1984

4  林益全    背號:9 投打:右投左打    
   Lin Yi-chung     #61  Bats: R, Throws: L
 Birth Date: November 11, 1985

5  沈鈺傑     背號:61  投打:左投左打    
   Shen Yu-jie     #61  Bats: L, Throws: L
 Birth Date: March 3, 1981   


義大犀牛隊 精彩無限

◎文/侯雅婷 ◎照片提供/鮑忠暉、高嘉澤、義大犀牛隊


  從2013年初的高雄燈會藝術節到2013高雄國際馬拉松,中華職棒義大犀牛隊球員都不缺席,傳遞高雄健康朝氣。繼世界棒球經典賽後 ,中華職棒義大犀牛隊順勢在職棒球場刮起一股銳不可擋的紫色旋風,球員在球場上的拼勁,讓高雄人都與有榮焉。

觀眾至犀牛隊主場澄清湖棒球場觀看犀牛隊3月27日的首戰 Spectators watch EDA Rhinos' first home game at Chengcing Lake Baseball Stadium on March 27.  棒球在台灣有國球的封號。1990年,中華職棒開打,棒球運動盛極一時,之後歷經職棒簽賭等案,重挫職棒形象。2011年,興農牛不堪虧損,致使興農企業萌生退意,由深耕高雄地區的義联集團接下成軍17年的興農牛,球隊改名為義大犀牛隊,於2012年12月17日成軍,球隊代表色是紫色,吉祥物是犀牛。

  義联集團創辦人林義守表示,接手球隊是承擔社會責任,秉持著要做就要做到最好的理念,傾集團全力,由集團的重量級人士楊森隆擔綱領隊重任,網羅職棒教練團頂尖好手徐生明擔任總教練一職,更向國外專業球團看齊,一軍教練團聘請8位教練,並且從職棒聯盟的選秀活動開始,步步為營,網羅胡金龍與高國輝,還特地請來洋將曼尼(Manny Ramirez),資深球員加上洋將的策略奏效,提升球隊戰力。資深球員打球態度起了示範作用,激勵全隊球員積極投入練球,打出一場場精彩好球。

領隊楊森隆 General Manager Yang Sun-long  領隊楊森隆對於犀牛隊球員的努力,他都看在眼裏,特別點出球隊的胡金龍和高國輝打球的拼勁和跑上壘的身手,以及林益全的高打擊率,讚譽有佳;另外,他笑開懷的說,無論是犀牛隊球員還是對手,大家都愛曼尼,因為曼尼不藏私的與球員切磋球技,而且只要有曼尼登場,球場就會出現滿載的盛況。他觀察,義联集團有了義大犀牛隊之後,因為球隊的表現越來越好,集團的每位員工自發性的關心每場比賽,員工們有了共同的話題,無形中增加凝聚力。

總教練徐生明 Team Manger Hsu Sheng-ming  徐生明總教練談起,職業棒球員講求競技,其專業除了展現在體能、技術和態度層面上,必須長時間投入練球,致力追求球場上更好的表現,但他強調,職業選手在球場外,必須對社會有所貢獻和回饋,使其形象發揮正面影響力。徐總教練表示,球團提供球員無後顧之憂的工作環境,如果每位球員每場球都能盡全力,打出讓人感動的球賽,自然能吸引球迷進場看球賽。他也期許球員們全力以赴的打球精神 ,因為每天的醞釀累積,都可能使得在球場有更好的發揮表現,因此每個明天都值得期待!



  義大犀牛隊官方網站:  www.eda-rhinos.com.tw   
  地址: 高雄市鳥松區大埤路113號