



Global Mall's Xin Zuoying Branch opens in Southern Taiwan/南台灣首座車站型商場 環球新左營車站店開幕


Global Mall's Xin Zuoying Branch opens in Southern Taiwan

◎English translation : Tan Shu-chun ◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui


陳菊市長(右三)出席環球購物中心開幕 Mayor Chen (third right) attending Global Mall opening ceremony  In 2012, Kaohsiung's Urban Planning Commission passed the Global Mall Xin Zuoying Station Branch investment project. The city government swiftly turned the unused spaces in Xin Zuoying Station into a shopping mall. Its advantageous design combines a convenient transportation hub and convenience for visitors to purchase local products and sample a variety of local cuisines. It has also created multiple job opportunities for the region.

  On April 9, 2013, the Global Mall opened in Xin Zuoying Station. The 16,528 square meter three floored complex houses 100 stores. It is strategically located at the THSR's terminal and is an initiative spearheaded by Kaohsiung's Mayor Chen Chu, whose initiative is to transform empty spaces into commercial opportunities. The Global Mall represents a wide variety of businesses and was designed to allow for the promotion of multiple enterprises to operate in Kaohsiung. 寬敞舒適購物商場 Spacious shopping centerThese policies include assistance with relocation, on-going development initiatives and a one-stop window at Kaohsiung City Government that assists with setting up businesses. The Kaohsiung City Government hopes to provide high-profile enterprises a business friendly environment and strengthen the city's economic development.    

  The shopping mall reflects a maritime theme inspired by Kaohsiung's oceanic influence. The exterior resembles a ship with cabins, radars, searchlights and other related decor.  Entrances and exits are located on the second floor which is shared with TOGO Department Store. The mall features the Green Lounge which resembles a ship's cabin, a movie theater and a bookstore which incorporates the design of a ship's helm. There is also the Sichuan restaurant Shan Jian Tan, which happens to be the only branch in Taiwan and a 330 square meter volleyball court which is scheduled to host intramural and international volleyball tournaments.

  The Zuoying transit system supports 1.4 million passengers per month and links the High Speed Rail with Taiwan Rail and Kaohsiung MRT. Another 360,000 residents live in the area and benefit from the transport hub. The Global Mall is capable of creating a new business district and joining forces with its neighboring malls and markets. This will further the development of Kaohsiung's tourist industry, create 500 jobs and drive the city's economic development.

海洋意象設計融入購物商場各角落 Mall's maritime design 



◎文/陳美鳳 ◎攝影/鮑忠暉


  2012年高雄市都市計畫委員會審議通過「環球購物中心進駐台鐵新左營站」重大投資案,在短短半年內即解決都市計畫限制,將台鐵新左營站閒置的營運空間,打造成優質的購物環境。結合地利交通之便,提供觀光及商務旅客更多美食和逛街選擇,豐富在地生活 ,並帶來更多就業機會。

室內沙灘排球場 Mall's in-door volleyball court  市長陳菊表示,環球購物中心投資案是高雄市公共資產、空間活化的最佳案例,為了吸引優秀的企業與人才能夠進駐與回流,市府提出許多協助招商引資的政策,包含獎勵投資、移居津貼、盤點可供招商開發的土地資源、成立招商單一窗口及重大投資案件督導會報等友善便利的投資環境來吸引優質企業的進駐,促進高雄經濟發展。

  甫於4月9日開幕的「環球新左營車站店」,為南臺灣第一個車站型購物中心,3層營業樓層數(2-4樓)總面積約5,000坪,寬敞舒適購物商場 Spacious shopping center可設置100家專櫃,至少提供500個就業機會。購物中心出入口設在2樓,設計成船艙造型,以「航海」元素象徵航向「海洋首都」高雄,館內有實體船道具及雷達、探照燈等設備造景,讓顧客如登船般感受一場奇幻旅程;2樓TOGO區針對觀光、商務旅客、上班族及在地居民,提供快速便利的餐飲服務,還特別規劃「便當販售專區」,提供不同特色的外帶便當選擇,並特別打造一間船艙式的綠色空間,是個讓往來旅客駐足並放鬆身心的休憩區。3樓則有超過100坪的全台首座室內沙灘排球場,未來定期舉辦校際或國際友誼賽,亦可作為親子戲沙的兒童遊樂區或是沙灘電影院等。而知名連鎖書局金石堂別具巧思,打造閱讀空間為船型與航海舵輪設計,讓讀者猶如掌舵於書海之中;4樓則引進多家主題餐廳,更獨家引進川菜料理山間堂,遊客可自在悠閒地享受各式美食。

  左營三鐵(台鐵、高鐵與高雄捷運)共構轉運中心每月客流量至少140萬人次,加上左營、楠梓地區36萬以上民眾 ,未來結合毗鄰的購物百貨與彩虹市集,「環球新左營車站店」所規劃的各種類型活動,將與周圍商家、里居民緊密連結,可說是開創休閒、購物、觀光與交通兼具的新型態商圈,為高雄經濟產業再注入更多競爭力。