



Bridging Communications between Thailand and Taiwan / 泰國貿易經濟辦事處 杜席處長

Bridging Communications between Thailand and Taiwan

◎English translation: Lin Fang-ju
◎Photo by Hou,Ya-ting

 Dusit Wongnawa has been the Director at Thailand's Economic and Trade Office for two years. This office serves the Thai people living and working in cities from Changhua and to the most Southern cities of Taiwan, including 3500 Thai laborers in Kaohsiung City. On Thursdays, the Kaohsiung office provides a Thai visa application service. It is also open to Thai laborers for counseling and mediation. They also maintain ties with Taiwanese business owners who employ Thai laborers and organize educational presentations and events to increase employers' awareness of Thai culture. The Kaohsiung office provides a telephone and 24-hour fax service for Thai people's convenience.

 Director Wongnawa also enjoys participating in traditional Thai festivals such as Songkran in April. This festival includes a water fight that is not only entertaining, but also a way of staying cool and conveying blessings. Each year the Labor Affairs Bureau organizes Songkran festival which gets increasingly popular every year. Wongnawa also attends a barbeque organized by the Council of Labor Affairs for Moon Festival.
 Director Wongnawa first came to Kaohsiung fifteen years ago in search of office space to open the Southern Economic and Trade Office. At that time he was extremely impressed with Kaohsiung's world-class harbor. Since then he has moved to Kaohsiung and appreciates its convenient and affordable transportation and living standard. His favorite Taiwanese treat is famous A-Po's shredded ice. During his leisure time, Director Wongnawa explores Kaohsiung's attractions by motorcycle. He has been to FoGuang Shan Monastery, the British Consulate at Takao and Cijin Island. He commends Kaohsiung's numerous parks and natural areas. He hopes to continue bridging Taiwan and Thailand and feels both countries' people are similar in the fact they are simple and friendly people.

※Thailand Economic and Trade Office: Labor Division (Kaohsiung City)
Add.: 14F.-4, No.80, Minzu 1st Rd.
Telephone: (07)392-6641
Fax: (07)-3925914


泰國貿易經濟辦事處 杜席處長

◎文/張嘉玲 ◎照片提供/侯雅婷

 泰國貿易經濟處處長杜席上任已兩年,15年前他曾從台北辦事處南下尋找設立南部辦公室的地點,對世界第一流的高雄港印象深刻。到任高雄後 ,他發現高雄不僅交通便捷、生活機能方便,物價也相對便宜。

 杜處長認為,泰國人民與台灣人民有許多性情相同之處,熱情、純樸。閒暇之餘,他會騎摩托車逛高雄,欣賞佛光山、西子灣英國領事館、旗津一帶的風光,也將這些地點推薦給來高雄的貴賓 。杜處長並讚賞高雄綠地覆蓋率高,公園裡也充滿高雄居民運動的身影。在台灣,夏日炎炎,杜處長以吃著名的阿婆冰來消除暑氣。

 高雄辦事處的服務範圍包括彰化以南的七個縣市,杜處長表示,目前高雄市大約有3500名的泰籍勞工,他笑著說,傳統泰國農業社會於當地最熱的4月份會舉辦潑水節,除了傳達祝福之意外,還兼具消暑和娛樂功能。藉由參加高雄市政府勞工局舉辦的國際潑水嘉年華,杜處長觀察到嘉年華會規模一年比一年大,讓在高雄的泰籍勞工朋友相互祈福 。每逢中秋佳節,杜處長參加勞委會所舉辦的烤肉會,與泰籍勞工朋友歡度時光。




Chen Ya-chi's Backpacker's Diary!

◎English translation: Lin Yi-chun
◎Photo by Chen Ya-chi

 Kaohsiung recently hosted the multimedia 2011 Kaohsiung Summer Arts series. This extravaganza included everything from musical performances to writing contests and even a blogging competition. The Information Bureau chose two winners out of twenty-two contenders to explore and report about Kaohsiung. Chen Ya-chi was one of these winners, with her blog "A Backpacker's Dairy".  For twenty days she had to report via blog and photo diary. The Information Bureau awarded her 50 000 NT and hoped the event would promote local tourism.

 Seven years ago, Ya-chi relocated from Taipei to Kaohsiung's Fengshan District. She currently works freelance and enjoys Kaohsiung's friendly, hospitable atmosphere. Her blogs provide information about Kaohsiung City through a local perspective. She offers advice on attractions and eateries. Since she began the Backpackers' Diary, she has posted a collection of stunning photos of Kaohsiung's attractions and has brought Ya-chi great acclaim. She uses a Nikon SLR camera and exhibits a great passion for photography. Over the years, she has also studied photography and worked on improving her skills. She hopes her photos will continue to capture and illustrate her initial intention. "It all began for the sake of getting good food!" Her blog began with a passion to share good eating places that offer gourmet food, journal her thoughts and share them with more than 21 thousand people.

 Some of Ya-chi's favourite attractions in Kaohsiung include the Dome of Light at Formosa Boulevard Station and Saint Joseph's Catholic Church. This magnificent Gothic building in Chishan is located on narrow streets and alleys. When she asked locals for directions to the church, she was given many different answers. Just when she was ready to give up, the building suddenly appeared before her. "That was an unforgettable experience," she says. She says she still has many secret places to share, and she will keep working until she has blogged about all of them.

 Ya-chi says when she plans to go backpacking in an area she is not familiar with, she will do research and create a pre-tour database, which will include suggestions from family and friends. Ya-chi has also travelled to Bali and Korea. She feels she has blind courage. After her initial research and she just gets up and travels there. Travelling has helped her develop the ability to independently handle unexpected situations. Therefore, she advises people that lack the courage to travel but would like to try it to "just pack up and go!"


背起行囊去旅行 陳雅琪

◎文/張嘉玲 ◎照片提供/陳雅琪


 雅琪從台北來到高雄市鳳山區定居,已將近七年,目前從事自由業。她笑稱 ,自己很喜歡高雄悠閒的生活步調與濃厚的人情味。對已相當熟絡的高雄市區 ,她以在地人的眼光,結合景點周遭的好玩好吃,透過背包客日記,與大家分享。背包客活動開跑後,部落格上令人驚豔的大高雄景點照片備受好評。雅琪表示,平常就熱愛拍照的她使用Nikon 單眼相機,透過不斷拍照、研究攝影書籍的方法來提昇自己的拍攝技巧,她表示,希望照片能忠實還原景物帶給她最原始的感動。

 雅琪說,規劃背包客行程的時候,除了參考親朋好友的點子外,還憑藉自己過去的旅遊經驗,建立詳盡的行前旅遊資料庫。雅琪最推薦的高雄景點是美麗島捷運站絢爛的光之穹頂大廳,但最令她讚嘆的,則是位於旗山的聖若瑟天主教堂,哥德式風格的宏偉建築隱身在小巷弄間,詢問當地人位置,每每得到不同答案,幾近放棄時,教堂竟然現身在眼前,令她難忘!雅琪說,尚有許多私人景點還沒分享,她會持續進行來不及介紹的私房路線。曾到巴里島、韓國自助旅行的雅琪,笑稱自己有一顆「憨膽 」,評估、決定後就勇敢出發。她表示 ,旅行讓她培養獨立處理突發狀況的能力。對於想啟程卻沒有勇氣的朋友,雅琪則鼓勵他們大膽前進!