



Kaohsiung’s Wetlands Dashu Old Railway Bridge Wetland Park and Yongan Wetland / 高雄市濕地 大樹舊鐵橋濕地公園、永安濕地


Kaohsiung's Wetlands

Dashu Old Railway Bridge Wetland Park and Yongan Wetland

◎English translation: Lin Fang-ju 
◎Photos by Kang Cun-cai, Pao Chung-hui, The Old Railroad Bridge  Association

 Wetlands are found in areas where land and water intersect and are often flooded during tidal activity,  It also serves as a habitat to a variety of species and carries out several functions, such as flood protection, conservation and water purification. There are over 900 hectares of wetland in Kaohsiung City, including national wetlands, nine local wetlands and six others each having their own characteristics and diverse eco-systems.

※Dashu Old Railway Bridge Wetland Park

 Dashu Old Railway Bridge was built in 1911 and crossing the Gaoping River at 1526 meters. It was Asia's longest bridge. In 1987, the railway went electric and the bridge was subsequently replaced. Homes and factories in the area polluted the river severely. In 2002, the city government launched an eco-restoration program, to develop artificial ponds, natural wetland plants, micro-organisms and a water purification system. Dashu Old Railway Bridge then became the biggest men-made wetland park in Taiwan and a dynamic attraction. The 120 hectares of wetland now include 10 water purification ponds. These ponds are kept particularly clean and a great location to watch the sunset reflect off their sparkling waters.

 The park is maintained by the Old Railroad Bridge Association. Chairman Wen Cho-chi makes sure the entire park is kept pesticide-free. There are currently 141 bird species and 30 varieties of insects that make the wetlands their home. The association is also planning to reintroduce fireflies to the region. It is also important habitat for various species of waterfowl that migrate there to feed and breed. Mr. Wen believes as long as the park continues to be well maintained, waterfowl will continue to nest there. Egrets and moorhens are often seen swimming during the summer months and during autumn, shrikes, cormorants and other migratory birds are commonly seen. It is a great location for bird watchers and wildlife photographers. It is also a great educational center for students to learn about the environment and bio-diversity. They can also learn about the area's plant, insect and animal eco-systems.

 The Old Railway Bridge Park is a second-level national historical site. It is a witness to past eras. Mr. Wen points out historical spots such as the San He Tile Kiln, Jhuliao Water Pumping Station and the Caogong Canal Five Manhole Reservoir. The landmarks located nearby that were built during the Ching Dynasty and Japanese colonial rule. This certainly gives the park a nostalgic atmosphere which distinguishes it from Kaohsiung's other wetlands.

 In 2009, the park was heavily damaged and flooded during Typhoon Moracot. Government and civil organizations worked together to clear the park of debris and silt. They also planted trees to bring the birds and wildlife back to the park. The restoration program is still in progress, with 70% of the park having now been restored. As the park regains its vitality, the wetlands are now open to the public.
Please note: Garbage disposal is not provided within the park, so visitors must take their garbage with them.

※Yongan Wetland

 Taiwan Power Commpany's Singda Thermal Power Plant forms the backdrop of Yongan Wetland. The salt industry in Yongan had been in operation since 1908. In 1984, Taiwan Power Company purchased 127 hectares of Taiwan Salt Company's fields, ending 76 years of salt mining in Yongan Township. However, the Yongan Salt Company can be still traced back to the tiled salt pan. During Japanese colonial rule, a baroque salt company office was built next to the wetland. The building is meticulous, with an elegantly detailed railing and latch. The tiled salt pans have been preserved with the field strewed with broken tiles, resembling a Mosaic collage. The tiles exemplify the engineering method that was used and the company office gives Yongan Wetland an additional charm.

 Taiwan Power Company filled the ditches with salt water, which subsequently became a haven for wild birds. Yongan is now well known for its wild birds and is currently habitat to approximately 110 migratory species that make the wetlands their habitat. Out of the 60 known types of mangroves, Yongan Wetland has two-Lumnitzera racemosa and black mangroves. The black mangroves stretch four kilometers along the Agongdian River to the Singda Inner Sea in the South. Yongan Wetland plays an important role in flood prevention. Tsai Chen-chang is a member of the Yongan Humanities Development Association (a local, non-profit organization) and has been dedicated to preserving the wetland for 9 years. He explains Yongan Wetland's important role in flood prevention. When Yongan experiences heavy rainfall, runoff is funneled to the wetland and Singda Harbor. As long as water levels don't exceed the mangrove's respiration roots, they will not be damaged. Sometimes they wither after being soaked for an extended period of time, but nature has a fantastic way of healing itself.




◎文/侯雅婷、張嘉玲 ◎攝影/康村財、鮑忠暉、大樹舊鐵橋協會



 建於1911年初的大樹舊鐵橋橫跨高屏溪,全長1526公尺,曾是亞洲第一長橋。1987年後鐵路電氣化,新橋取代了舊鐵橋。長久以來,舊鐵橋下的家庭與工業排放廢水汙染水源,民國91年起政府挖掘人工埤塘,利用濕地植物及微生物的淨水功能,淨化廢水,因此造就大樹舊鐵橋溼地為目前台灣最大的人工濕地公園,占地將近120公頃 ,園區設有10個埤塘,日復一日淨化水質。園區內141種鳥類、30種昆蟲的豐富自然生態,將大樹舊鐵橋公園妝點成南台灣天空下極為生動的一處風景。目前園區內不置垃圾桶,呼籲遊客將垃圾帶出,加上舊鐵橋志工協會的成員熱心維護環境,因而濕地公園橋下水塘波光點點,晨曦夕照,風情萬種。






 遠方矗立的台電興達火力發電廠機組和豐富的生態構成永安濕地最經典的景致。全世界有60多種紅樹林,而永安濕地占有2種,分別為欖李和海茄苳,沿著公溝(南起阿公店溪,北至興達港內海)兩側長達4公里的海茄苳群落 ,最是壯觀。永安區於1908 年即開闢鹽場,1984年台電向台鹽收購佔地131甲的永安鹽田,結束鹽業在永安鄉長達76年的歷史,收購後台電引海水入鹽田溝渠,閒置至今,反倒使之成為一處生態豐富,吸引野鳥棲息的樂土,據統計,不同季節的候鳥約有110種,永安濕地之名不逕而走。

