



Mayor Chen Chu's Visit to Miami/陳菊市長參訪美國邁阿密市

Mayor Chen Chu's Visit to Miami

◎English translation by Lin Yi-chun
◎Photos by Kao Chi-tse

陳市長出席邁阿密國際遊艇暨遊艇公會台邁合作意向書簽署活動  2012 The Taiwan Yacht Industry Association (TYIA) and Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF) Signing Ceremony.     Kaohsiung City Mayor Chen Chu led a delegation consisting of city government staff, council members and representatives from the marine industries to the United States for a week-long visit starting February 17. The group included John Lu, Chairman of the Taiwan Yacht Industry Association (TYIA).

     Mayor Chen visited Miami, one of Kaohsiung's sister cities, and attended a ceremony marking the signing of a letter intent between TYIA and Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF).

     During the visit, Mayor Chen exchanged valuable experience in developing the cruise economy with Miami, and the forging of strong cooperative ties between the two cities. Observing the Miami International Boat Show, which is held in Miami each February, was a key part of the delegation's agenda. The delegation also visited Miami International Airport, hoping to gain knowledge and information useful for the development of Kaohsiung Air Cargo Park.

     During the signing ceremony, Mayor Chen said the two cities would forge even closer cooperative bonds. Kaohsiung and Miami are both ocean cities, and they both have world-renowned international ports. They have been sister cities for 25 years. Through this cooperation, they shall gain a deeper mutual understanding and will work closely together to improve the marine industries and the environment in the United States and Taiwan by sharing expertise and market information.

陳市長拜訪進駐高雄的國際知名電影特效公司  Rhythm & Hues (R&H) Studios.Mayor Chen visited the Rhythm &  Hues (R&H) Studios,which recently set up a visual effects center in Kaohsiung.     Kaohsiung's yacht industry is one of the city's flagship industries. To better promote the development of the industry, the city government has built the 113-hectare South Start Yacht Industrial Park as a key manufacturing base for yacht exports. After the completion and opening of the much-awaited Kaohsiung World Trade Exhibition Center in 2013, the inaugural Taiwan International Boat Show will be held in Kaohsiung in April 2014.

     The Port of Miami is world's largest cruise-ship port. Building on a half-century of experience of hosting cruise ships, the Miami International Boat show is now the second-largest boat show in the world. Because the yacht ports near the Port of Miami possess complete facilities, Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado arranged for Mayor Chen to visit the local ports and exchange information. The experience of hosting large boat shows shared by South Florida's marine industry will greatly help the TYIA and Kaohsiung City Government when they host the 2014 Taiwan International Boat Show.




     此次陳市長與邁阿密市長里加拉多分享郵輪經濟發展的寶貴經驗,深化雙方更緊密的交流合作,邁阿密市於每年2 月份舉辦的「邁阿密國際遊艇展」亦是另一個觀摩的重點。訪問團一行人,亦走訪邁阿密國際機場,作為高雄發展航空貨運園區的他山之石。邁阿密市是全球最大的郵輪港  The port of Miami is world's largest cruise-ship port.


     高雄市已經將遊艇產業列為旗艦產業 ,為積極輔導產業發展,打造南星計畫佔地113公頃的遊艇產業園區,成為台灣遊艇外銷重要製造基地。各界引頸期盼的「高雄世界貿易會展中心」預計於102年底完工啟用後,隔年4月將舉辦「 2014年台灣國際遊艇展」,這也是台灣首度舉辦國際遊艇展。
