



A Visit to National Kaohsiung Hospitality College / 走訪高雄餐旅學院
◎Text by Yi-Chun Lin
◎Photo courtesy by National Kaohsiung Hospitality College

A cradle of hospitality culture and elite

走訪高雄餐旅學院 The first thing that greets you when you walk into National Kaohsiung Hospitality College (KHC) in Siaogang District, is the beautiful campus filled with flowers and green spaces. Apart from the lovely campus, another feature that will please you is that every young student you meet on the campus is full of energy, politeness, gentleness, and they show great consideration for other people.

 The principal Mr. Jiyeh Ron says KHC's goal is to cultivate the elite in the hospitality industry. The most important thing in the hospitality industry is to harbour a devoted and responsible attitude. To help its students develop that attitude, it is compulsory for KHC's first year students to live on campus and get up at 6:30 in the morning to clean up the whole campus. The second years are responsible for the tidiness of all classrooms and indoor spaces. The fourth years, also the final year students are in charge of watering the gardens on the campus.

 You might notice that the third years are not mentioned above. This is because the most noticeable feature of KHC is its so-called "sandwich curriculum". Students spend their first two years studying in the college then work at an industry placement for the third year. After the placement, the students come back to the college for further study in the last year. They bring back precious experience they gained from the placement and apply it on the academic side of their studies to develop a more creative food and beverage culture. As for the graduate school aspect, KHC has a graduate school, Taiwan Food Culture and Hospitality Management, and the in_planning Graduate School of Hospitality Education to offer to build up a firm academic foundation for the hospitality culture in Taiwan.

 Principal Ron also points out that another of KHC's goal is to cultivate its students with a more international perspective. Apart from emphasising the students' second language ability, KHC also sends more than a hundred students to work overseas for their placements, such as Toronto, Singapore, Okinawa, Bangkok, Thailand and others. Each of the students would have to visit some prestigious hotels and vineyards abroad before they graduate to learn from their international level of hospitality management while broadening their horizon.

 Principal Ron says that KHC is proud to be a part of the Kaohsiung City family. Apart from hosting international academic seminars and undertaking industry-academy cooperation projects, it has also been working together with Kaohsiung Marine Bureau, the Council for Hakka Affairs and Social Affairs Bureau to promote Kaohsiung's seafood products, Hakka cuisine and Kaohsiung local cuisine. The college even has experience in hosting national banquets. KHC also promotes Taiwanese cuisine overseas to help people from all over the world know Taiwan better through a gourmet experience. experience.

 The hospitality college also enthusiastically participates in local community activities, such as pouring the professional skills in hospitality into the building of Cijin Community, to help the local food and drink industry establish a more attractive feature of the community. Meanwhile, with the approaching 2009 World Games, KHC takes part in the volunteers' team. The volunteering students are trained by English teachers to improve their English so they will be well prepared in time to greet guests from all over the world.

 In addition, KHC owns 4 restaurants and a placement hotel, and the doors are open to guests from every country. The placement hotel will open in December of this year. It is located at the highest level of the college, looking out at the fantastic view of the beautiful green campus. In addition, KHC offers promotional and certificate courses of hospitality to the public. People who are interested in wine tasting, snack making, baking, or sauce making can apply for the courses to enrich their life with more flavors.



走訪高雄餐旅學院 走進位於小港的高雄餐旅學院,花木扶疏、綠意盎然是第一印象,而更令人感到舒適愉悅的,是行走校園間的年輕學生們,個個在青春的活力中不失端莊儀態,且都彬彬有禮、顯露出會為他人著想的素養。







National Kaohsiung Hospitality College
Address:No.1 Songhe Road, Siaogang
      District, Kaohsiung City, 812