



Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System is soon to be completed / 高雄捷運即將通車
◎Text by David Wang
◎Photo Courtesy of Public Works Bureau

Embarking on a new era for Kaohsiung's transportation system

高雄捷運即將通車 The 28.3-kilometer Red Line of Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System serves 24 stations, of which 15 will be underground, 8 elevated, and one ground level in the districts of Nanzih, Zuoying, Sanmin, Sinsing, Lingya, Cianjin, and Siaogang. The initial full fare is NT$20 with NT$5 added for each additional distance section. A round trip on the red line takes 90 minutes, with a stop at each station of 25 seconds. The first train starts at 6:00 am, and the last train leaves at 11:00 pm. The train normally runs every 10 minutes, but during rush hour the train will run every 6 minutes.

 KMRT provides usual card, commemorative card, one-day pass and group pass. At Formosa Boulevard Station, passengers must travel within 15 minutes for transfer status; as for other stations, transfer requires it be within 2 hours. There will be a charge for time beyond 2 hours.

 In order to encourage the public to take KMRT, Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation is offering a free ride trial during the first week after its operation for I-Pass cardholders. Passengers who hold I-Pass can enjoy a NT$ 12 dollars fare within any distance and a free transfer ride.

20條捷運紅線接駁路線地圖 Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation has recruited 300 volunteers who will receive a 20-hour training course. The volunteers will soon provide passenger assistance, ticketing and correct procedure assistance for the automated card machine, as well as disruptive behavior security.

 The Transportation Bureau has arranged 20 shuttle bus lines along the Red Line and 5 shuttle bus lines along the Orange Line to make KMRT stations more accessible. The shuttle buses make stops around KMRT stations; each route serves three to six kilometers with stops at main attractions, main transportation, administrations, shopping centers, business districts, schools and hospitals. The shuttle buses establish complete transportation networks.

 KMRT has incorporated transfer shuttle buses in order to provide a more convenient service for the public. The Red Line offers twenty shuttle buses which are coded in name according to the KMRT station.





 高捷公司為鼓勵民眾養成搭乘捷運習慣,通車後一星期開放免費試乘,使用高捷「一卡通」IC儲值票卡的民眾,在試乘結束後的三個月內無論路程遠近,均可享有12元的優惠票價,同時加上一段免費公車轉乘。 為提昇紅線營運初期的服務安全與品質,捷運公司另招募的300名志工,在接受20小時的基礎與特殊訓練後,未來將穿梭於捷運車站與電聯車之間,協助站務人員提供旅客諮詢、購票、進出閘門及違規旅客勸導等服務。


