

Meinong Kiln and Public Ceramic Relief Murals/美濃窯 陶壁公共藝術的推手


Meinong Kiln and Public Ceramic Relief Murals

◎English translation: Tan Shu-chun 

◎Photos courtesy of Meinong Kiln, Pao Chung-hui


朱邦雄博士 Dr. Chu Pan-hsiung  Meinong is a scenic town, known for its unique arts and culture. In 2012, it was selected by Tourism Bureau, M.O.T.C. as one of Taiwan's top ten best tourism townships in Taiwan. Meinong is also well-known for its ceramics and home to the famous Meinong Kiln. Dr. Chu Pan-hsiung opened the kiln in 1987 and has developed his own particular style of ceramic art known as Public Relief Ceramic Murals. Over the years, Dr. Chu Pan-hsiung and his Meinong kiln have produced some brilliant public ceramic murals throughout Taiwan.

  Dr. Chu began developing the Meinong Kiln when he first returned to his hometown of Meinong. However, he felt the local residents were not particularly interested in art or literature. He hoped by developing the ceramic industry in the region, it would further cultivate the literature and art in Meinong. At that time, the only crafts the locals created were traditional Hakka blue-dye shirts and paper umbrellas. First, Dr. Chu and his friends established Chung Li Ho Memorial Museum and then they went on to develop Meinong Kiln.

高雄捷運紅線橋頭糖廠站公共藝術「天工開物」 "Heavenly Creations"on exhibition at Kaohsiung's Ciaotou MRT Station.  Dr. Chu completed his very first gigantic ceramic mural in 1986. At sixty-eight years old, he continues to challenge himself and is always coming up with more contemporary, mature art and design concepts. He believes Taiwan's ceramic murals are the best in the world and brings character to its cities. He dreams one day his ceramic murals will be exhibited on Kaohsiung's landmarks. He has also spent more than two and a half decades being devoted to promoting the awareness of the art form.

  The reason he particularly enjoys creating gigantic ceramic relief murals is because the materials are flexible, expand easily, capable of creating magnificent visual effects and are easily combined with architecture. Such a highly sophisticated art form demonstrates artists' intelligence, persistence and courageousness.

  Dr. Chu's public ceramic relief mural, Heavenly Creations is on exhibition at Kaohsiung's Red line MRT Ciaotou Station. Kaohsiung Rapid Transit Corporation selected him to use his ceramic art to depict local stories and culture. In order to offer the best quality results, he spent two years, visiting places around southern Taiwan and gathering information. He noticed the railway and Kaohsiung Sugar Refinery were pillars of Taiwan's industrial development. The sugar brought prosperity to its urban areas and the railway made a major contribution to Taiwan's modernization.

  Dr. Chu's creation "Heavenly Creations" is inspired by Taiwan's industrial development. It is a mural of the Earth, which is seen at both the top and bottom of piece and cities which represent civilization, surrounded behind cloud layers. It is 9 meters in width and 12 meters in height. It is made up of 1,311 ceramics pieces, 70 tons of clay and took one year to construct. It is Dr. Chu's tribute to his homeland and visitors are truly awed by its magnificence.

  Dr. Chu's famous works have also made Meinong more famous. His work is admired by those who see it. However, he would like to dedicate any fame or prestige his art has brought to his hometown of Meinung.


雕塑 Sculpting clay美濃窯 陶壁公共藝術的推手





  美濃窯由朱邦雄博士一手創立於1987 年,他談起,回鄉創立美濃窯時,勤奮務實的美濃人並不特別嚮往文學或藝術,當地僅有藍衫和紙傘等工藝,所以他和友人促成「鍾理和文學紀念館」的成立,導入文學,接著並成立「美濃窯」,讓文化藝術在當地蓄積能量。



「天工開物」由1,311塊陶瓷零組件組成 Heavenly Creations is made up of 1,311 ceramics pieces.  被問到為什麼醉心於創作巨型陶壁藝術?朱邦雄強調,陶瓷材質具備無窮大的特質,而且能與建築結合,產生無窮大的視覺張力;巨型陶壁藝術在技術上是絕對的高難度,它關乎到藝術家智力、毅力和膽識,考驗著藝術家的心量夠不夠大。

