



Theater Magician Tseng Hsiu-ling/戲劇魔法師─曾秀玲

According to statistics, there are currently 9 children's theater troupes in Taiwan that still present regular performances and are committed to the promotion of theater education. Of which, only one is located in Kaohsiung. These figures have brought mixed emotions to Ms. Tseng Hsiu-ling, directorof the Bean Theater. While Tseng is gratified that her theater takes up a place on the list, she is worried that the Bean Theater is the only professional children's theater in Kaohsiung and there will be more challenges ahead.

 An enthusiast in children's theater, Tseng shows her care and brings enlightenment to children in Kaohsiung by presenting a play of the year and a drama series on a yearly basis. Her creative games and enlightening methods for learning has not only attracted a large audience of parents and children but also become the model for emulation to many teachers in elementary and junior high schools.

 When young, Tseng was considered a child with retarded speech development and was placed in the "dummy" class. Nevertheless, her school days were filled with glorious achievements because she has a sensitive heart and observant eyes that made her a keen observer of people's facial expressions, a good actress, playwright, director, and folk song writer. Her versatile talents had won her many awards such as the best director award, the best playwright award, and the best leading actor award.

 Tseng is like an emotion magician who always conjures up joy and confidence for children and makes boring school subjects interesting. Her unpleasant childhood has taught her to look at things from different perspectives and her personal experience also convinced her that even children considered "less smart" may have great achievements in theater and many other fields.






