

Kaohsiung Light Rail Commences Trial Runs/輕軌初體驗5驚喜

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting ◎Photos by Kao Jhih-hung, Chang Chien,Ying-hao     Kaohsiung's light rail system began trial runs on October 16, and throughout the trial period all journeys are free of charge. During this free-travel period, passengers who hold an iPASS, a stored-value card issued by iPASS Corporation, are encouraged to swipe their cards when using the light rail so as to qualify for four lucky draws which will be held between now and January 15.   Once the light rail begins normal operations, riders will be able to swipe their iPASS cards at machines on station platforms or inside the carriages. Alternatively, passengers will be able to purchase single-journey tickets from vending machines on the platforms. From time to time, inspectors will board trams and examine tickets.   The carriages have four doors per side, and each door is 1.3m wide, giving passengers plenty of room to get on and off. When the trams stop at stations, the doors do not open automatically; passengers need to press a button to open the door so they can embark or disembark. The light rail system incorporates obstacle-detection devices. If a door is jammed, or unable to close because of an obstacle, the tram will not move until the problem is resolved. This device ensures the safety of passengers.   The light rail's planners have gone into meticulous detail to guarantee the entire system is user-friendly. The distance between the platform and carriage floors is just 35cm, so getting on and off is easy for both senior citizens and young children. There are wheelchair ramps on both sides of every platform. When the trams stop at a station, the doors open at platform level; there is no step to climb. There are no gangway doors between carriages, so passengers can move easily from one part of the tram to another. The barrier-free environment means the light-rail system will be easily accessible for elderly, pregnant, preschool and physically challenged passengers.   The interior design takes into account common physiques, public transportation customs, passenger capacity, and traveling distance. Seats, handrails and straps have been positioned so each tram can carry up to 250 passengers. Furthermore, each tram will have two areas for wheelchairs, baby carriages, bicycles and shopping trolleys. These locations are equipped with wheelchair-passenger seatbelts and handrails to enhance passengers' safety.   When regular operations begin, trams will be available every seven-and-a-half minutes during peak hours, and every fifteen minutes at other times. Normal speeds will be 20 to 25 kilometers per hour. At each station, carriages will recharge their batteries for 30 seconds, then proceed to the next stop. Unlike other tram systems around the world, Kaohsiung's light rail has no overhead or catenary wires.   輕軌初體驗5驚喜 ◎文/徐澤霖 ◎攝影/高志宏、張簡英豪     搭乘高雄輕軌,手持「一卡通」就可以暢行無阻,月台上亦設有自動售票機,販售輕軌車票。特別的是,高雄輕軌月台上與車廂內均設置有刷卡機,乘客可在月台上或進入車廂後刷卡。高雄輕軌雖然信任乘客的誠實搭乘,車上仍會有稽核人員不定時查票。   輕軌列車每側設置四扇出入口,每扇門開啟淨寬1.3米,方便乘客上下車。輕軌列車到站後,車門不會自動開啟,需要乘客自行按壓車門按鈕開門上下車,同時還設有障礙偵測裝置,如果夾到物體或無法關閉時,車輛將無法開動,確保乘客安全。   高雄輕軌設計體貼入微,符合老人與小孩的身高與行動,車站月台高度離地面只有35公分,兩側均設置無障礙坡道,輕軌列車採用100%低地板設計,停靠時和月台保持齊平;車廂間連通且不設通道門,乘客可自由移動、無阻礙。長輩、婦孺、身障者搭乘高雄輕軌更輕鬆便利。   高雄輕軌車廂內裝設計特別,並考量國人體型和乘車習慣,以及載運量、乘客搭乘距離等因素,仔細安排座椅、扶手與拉環的配置及數量,確保在列車滿載狀態下,每一位乘客都有握點。每一列車也設有2處空間,可停放輪椅、單車、娃娃車、菜籃車等,並設置安全帶與扶手,保障輪椅乘客安全。   高雄輕軌正式營運後尖峰時間每7分半發車一次,離峰時約15分鐘一次,正常行駛時整體平均速率約為每小時20到25公里,坐在車廂裡不會劇烈搖晃,十分舒適,列車停靠車站的時間約30秒,待完成充電後再直奔下一站。

Source:  Kaohsiung City