

Sightseeing Kaohsiung with Express Buses/直達美景 幸福遊山海

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting ◎Photo by Li Yun-yu Cishan & Meinong Express Bus   Cishan and Meinong districts boast distinguished culture, scenic old streets, and traditional architecture, as well as local delicacies. The launch of the Cishan & Meinong Express Bus service has made these places even more accessible for out-of-towners. The route makes just three stops: Kaohsiung Zuoying High Speed Railway Station, Cishan Bus Terminal, and Meinong Bus Station. From Zuoying, it takes just 40 minutes to get to Cishan, then another 20 minutes to reach Meinong.   Cishan Bus Terminal is a short walk from the hustle and bustle of the downtown, namely Cishan Old Street. The Old Street has Baroque-style structures which date from the 1920s and 1930s. Among the interesting sights to see around here is Cishan Tianhou Taoist Temple, a local religious center which features captivating craftsmanship. Cishan is also famous for being Taiwan's Banana Kingdom, as back in the 1960s it produced huge crops of bananas. The glorious memories of that era have been transformed into all kinds of delicious sweets now sold along Cishan Old Street. Visitors can also try out various snacks here, then explore Cishan Rice Factory and Cishan Wude Martial Arts Center, both of which embody Japanese architectural styles. Alternatively, visitors can climb the stairs at the century-old Gushan Park and take in panoramic views of Cishan.    Beyond Cishan, the Express Bus makes its next stop at Meising Street in Meinong, which is famous for eateries serving bantiao (broad noodles made of rice flour). Visitors can savor this Hakka signature dish, then stroll or cycle around Meinong's picturesque Jhongjheng Lake. During flower season, which begins in mid-January and lasts a month, both sides of the lake are in full bloom. Other popular sights in Meinong include the East Gate Tower,Jinsing Blue Dress Shop, and Meinong Word-Worshiping Paper Incinerator. All are near Yong-an Street. Those who wish to embrace local cultural heritage can participate in an oil-paper umbrella painting workshop at Meinong K.c.s. Umbrella, an internationally recognized maker and seller of handmade, delicately painted oil-paper parasols. These items make for excellent souvenirs, and painting one is a memorable hands-on experience.   Visitors wishing to escape the bustling metropolis will be thrilled to see the magnificent mudstone badlands of Tianliao District's Moon World. To discover the unique geology of this special place, simply hop on Bus 8012. The route begins at Gangshan South Station on the Kaohsiung Rapid Transit System (KRTS) Red Line, and ends at Cishan North Station. The 8012 runs seven days a week, five times per day. The earliest departure from Gangshan is at 05:40 in the morning; the final one leaves at 17:45. From Gangshan South Station to Moon World takes approximately 60 minutes. From Cishan North Station, the first departure is 05:45 in the morning, and the last one at 17:50. Cishan North Station to Moon World takes around 25 minutes. Holiday Sightseeing Bus   The Mount Dagang Holiday Sightseeing Bus (Gangshan Holiday Tour Bus) takes visitors to Gangshan's Lamb Restaurants Area, Agongdian Reservoir Scenic Area, Mount Dagang Scenic Area, and Moon World. This journey starts at Gangshan South Station on the KRTS Red Line. The Restaurants Area features many restaurants which specialize in lamb cuisine, such as Yuanzuo Lamb and Mingder Lamb. Customers flock to these restaurants to enjoy lamb hot pot, especially when the weather is cold. At Agongdian Reservoir, visitors can rent a bicycle at the C-Bike Public Bike rental station adjacent to the bus stop. Visitors can enjoy cycling along the waterside bike trail which circumnavigates the reservoir, and crossing the suspension bridges. Mount Dagang spans Tianliao, Alian, and Gangshan districts. Some of the area's famous sights include Panlong Gorge, Stone Breast's Gorge, and ancient Chaofong Temple. When visiting Chaofong Temple during longan season, visitors may see the processing – and relish the wonderful aroma – of the smoked and dried longans for which this temple has become famous. There is more than one way to appreciate Moon World, and many visitors return to witness the spectacular shades of gold which bathe the topography around sunset.   Lovers of seafood may wish to ride Happiness Bus Route 17 between Kaohsiung's Singda Fishing Port and Tainan's Anping Harbor. Popular attractions along the way include Singda Fishing Port, Jiading Coastal Recreation Area, the Eternal Golden Castle, the Golden Coast Visitor Information Center, and Anping Harbor. Happiness Bus Route 17 runs hourly on weekends from 08:00 in the morning to 20:00 at night, and can be boarded at the parking lot of Kaohsiung's Singda Fishing Port or at Tainan's Cahamu Museum and Indigenous Park. Singda Fishing Port can be accessed by the Red 71 bus route, which carries passengers to/from Gangshan South Station on the KRTS Red Line. These and other bus routes offer various possibilities for wonderful day trips that make the most of Kaohsiung's diverse landscapes and cultures.   直達美景 幸福遊山海 ◎文/李微潤 ◎攝影/李昀諭   快線公車賞味小鎮風情   旗山、美濃有豐富人文、老街古厝與田園風光,搭乘「旗美國道快捷公車」40分鐘直達旗山,60分鐘可抵達美濃,下車後可步行或騎乘單車暢玩小鎮景點。   在旗山轉運站下車,步行即可抵達熱鬧街區。旗山老街裡的美食、街屋、天后宮是著名景點;也可前往旗山碾米廠、旗山武德殿等富有日式風情的建築,或沿著鼓山公園階梯拾級而上,遠眺小鎮美景;旗山生活文化園區展示與旗山息息相關的香蕉產業歷史;來到學堂咖啡館,在古樸可愛的校園課桌椅入座、佐份香醇的校長咖啡與地瓜燒,臨窗遙想童年時光,趣味十足。旗山地景橋視野寬闊,是散步好去處。另外,還可搭乘「8012公車」前往月世界欣賞奇幻地景!   美濃的快捷公車停車處位於聚集許多粄條店的美興街,一下車便可就近享用小吃美食,也可以租借單車沿途遊賞中正湖絕美湖景、到廣進勝嘗試手工繪紙傘、到永安老街探索東門樓、藍衫店、敬字亭等景點風姿,若在1、2月花海時節前往,道路兩旁令人沉醉! 假日觀光列車輕鬆成行   「大岡山假日觀光公車」每逢假日從南岡山捷運站出發,在「岡山羊肉商圈」下車,源坐羊肉、明德羊肉等傳統名店都在附近,秋冬吃來最對味;「阿公店水庫站」一旁就有City Bike公共自行車租賃站,在阿公店水庫自行車道騎乘單車,有藍天與水波相伴;大崗山風景區有百年超峰寺;月世界的蕭索奇岩在夕陽下看來顯得瑰麗。   海線也有讓人幸福的美景美食,搭上「17號幸福公車」路線,沿著台17線行駛,將台南、高雄的興達港觀光漁市、茄萣濱海遊樂園、黃金海岸、億載金城等景點一一串連。從高雄出發者,可到興達港停車場搭車,從台南出發者,則在原住民文化會館搭車,興達港觀光漁市另規劃紅71公車,提供轉乘到捷運南岡山站。遊客可透過文化公車、快線公車、假日公車、幸福公車等多種漫遊路線,體驗百變高雄面貌。秋冬涼爽,經濟實惠玩高雄,正是好時候!

Source:  Kaohsiung City