



Kaohsiung Lantern Festival 2014/2014高雄燈會藝術節


Kaohsiung Lantern Festival 2014

◎English translation: Lin Yi-jyuan 

◎Photos by Pao Chung-hui, Hsieh Guan-yi, Tseng Guo-shu


陳菊市長與姐妹市代表一同參與踩街大遊行 Mayor Chen participating in parade with sister city delegates  This year's Kaohsiung Lantern Festival was held for 27 days and marked its 14th anniversary. Commencing on Chinese New Year's Eve (January 28th), it continued throughout the holidays and closed on Lantern Festival, on February 23rd. With a variety of colourful lanterns and the festive atmosphere of Chinese New Year, it is truly Kaohsiung's most romantic festival.

  The festival is usually held at Glory Pier, however due to the construction of Kaohsiung Maritime Cultural and Music Center on Glory Pier, the festival was moved to several venues which included Kaohsiung's Love River, Sanduo and Wufu Shopping Districts, Cishan, Gangshan and Fo Guang Shan. The lights of the shopping district, along with the city government's creative installations of five million environmentally friendly LED lights gave the festival a whole new charm. All four venues commenced simultaneously.

  This year the festival was particularly special, as it linked up major department stores and shopping districts. Fun lantern displays lit up and connected routes with four splendid "Gates of Light" installations. Visitors and residents were able to enjoy the glorious lanterns while doing their seasonal shopping.

2月14日踩街大遊行 February 14th parade

  Gangshan and Cishan also made fantastic contributions. In Gangshan a six meter high main lantern of giant screws and nuts was constructed to highlight Gangshan's hardware industry. Gangshan also featured spectacular 3D water and light shows and lantern displays of local celebrities. In Cishan, the whole township was lit up by a central twelve meter high, giant lantern and thousands of smaller, hand-painted lanterns constructed by local students.

  The Lantern Festival is synonymous with reunions. This year just happened to fall on Valentine's Day so that a spectacular "Love and Happiness" parade was presented on February 14th. The beautiful floats and lively performances created an air of romantic ambiance. More than 1000 performers participated in the parade. Mayor Chen Chu also attended with delegates from Kaohsiung's sister cities from Japan, Korea and the United States. "Loho Horse" mini lanterns were given away along the parade route. The Lantern Festival brought about a great deal of to happiness visitors and residents throughout Kaohsiung.


旗山主燈 Main lantern in Cishan2014高雄燈會藝術節




  逛賞燈會是高雄最浪漫的節慶活動,燈海、年味和人情味交織出高雄魅力,令人難忘。被譽為台灣三大燈會之一的高雄燈會藝術節,今年堂堂邁入第14年,岡山主燈 Main lantern in Gangshan為期27天的2014高雄燈會,從1月28日起至2月23日閉幕,橫跨除夕、春節與元宵節。因為光榮碼頭今年已動工興建海洋文化及流行音樂中心,燈會有別以往移師市區,結合商圈店家以500萬顆環保LED燈飾妝點,春節期間包括市區的高雄燈會、旗山燈會、岡山燈會和佛光山燈會同步登場,熱鬧非凡,展現不同風貌,再加上元宵節當日的花燈大遊行,營造高雄燈會嶄新格局。



