



Crispy Fried Duck Winning a Large Customer Base/脆皮鹽酥鴨


Crispy Fried Duck Winning a Large Customer Base

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting

◎Photos by Lin Yu-hung


脆皮鹽酥鴨和配料薑片、九層塔 Crispy fried duck with slices of ginger and basil  Jiadong Roast Duck's crispy fried duck has been consistently popular throughout the decade since it was first sold. This success can be attributed to the highly sophisticated production procedure, which takes roasted ducks with crispy skins and succulent meat to another level by frying the slices of roasted duck.

  Proprietor Lu Li-huei points out that oil quality is crucial to bringing out the finest flavors of crispy fried duck. She says that, if stale oil is used, the duck takes on a rancid odor. Each time Lu fries the dish, she meticulously ensures the quality of the duck skin, making sure it reaches an ideal state of crispness, while retaining the sweetness of the duck meat. The flavor is enhanced by marrying fried ginger slices with Thai basil. After a while, the crispy fried duck is taken out of the oil, then patted dry before being showered with pepper. As soon as the dish comes out of oven, the mouthwatering aroma seduces customers. Many customers tuck in right outside the store, to fully enjoy the taste of freshly-made crispy duck. Lu recommends tasting the crispy fried duck while it is still hot, so one can best experience the crisp skin and sweet meat. Cracker-like slices of ginger are a popular side-dish, and have won a large customer base in their own right.

   Jiadong Roast Duck
   No.188-1, Benguan Rd., Niaosong Dist. 



脆皮鹽酥鴨 大受好評




  佳東烤鴨的「脆皮鹽酥鴨」上市10 年來一直是店裏的人氣招牌料理,其製程講究,烤好的烤鴨切塊,鴨皮口感酥脆,再經油炸過程,老闆盧麗惠悉心拿捏油炸時間和鴨肉的酥脆度,為了使鴨肉展現最佳風味,盧麗惠非常著重油品品質,她說,如使用不新鮮的油品,鴨肉則會帶有油耗味。之後再撒入薑片和九層塔,一會兒將鹽酥鴨撈出,撒上胡椒粉,香噴噴的鴨肉誘得客人立刻嚐嚐味道。盧麗惠說,剛出爐的脆皮鹽酥鴨最能品嚐到鴨皮酥脆的口感和鴨肉的香甜,而配料裏的薑片炸到有如餅乾般的酥脆口感,深受顧客好評。


The Captivating Fragrance of Winter Melon Drinks

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting 

◎Photos by Lin Yu-hung


  When approaching Tianchih Winter Melon Drinks Shop, which has been in business for two decades, the aroma and sweetness of stewing winter melons fills the air. Proprietor Chen Jia-tang says the shop uses matured winter melons harvested in Taiwan. After a thorough cleaning, each winter melon is sliced, but the hard skin is retained. Tianchih stews winter melons with their skins and granulated sugar. These ingredients gradually intertwine until the melons become caramelized.

  The caramelized winter melons are then moved to another cauldron, where they are stirred until they turn into dried winter-melon sugars. To make a winter-melon drink, one simply adds water to the sugar and boils it. The concoction is filtered to remove fibers and achieve the best possible taste. The 12 to 16 hours it takes to render winter melons into a beverage creates a delightful fresh fragrance, as well as a drink that charms many customers.

   Tianchih Winter Melon Drinks Shop 
   No.113, Sinle St., Yancheng Dist.    



冬瓜檸檬茶(左)和冬瓜茶原味(右) Winter melon drink with lemon juice(left)and original favor(right)冬瓜茶飄香




  走近開業逾20年的「天池冬瓜茶」 ,空氣中漫著熬煮冬瓜茶的香氣和甜味,老闆陳嘉堂說,店裏選用成熟的台灣冬瓜,將整顆冬瓜刷洗乾淨,連皮一塊切片,為了保存冬瓜皮的營養和風味,再加砂糖熬煮呈現蜜汁狀態後,將其置於另一個鍋子,接著炒成乾的冬瓜糖狀,想飲用冬瓜茶時,只需加水滾沸,再濾除些許冬瓜糖本身的纖維渣即為冬瓜茶。歷經12至16小時熬煮的冬瓜茶,其芳香讓這味茶飲無比迷人,吸引顧客絡繹不絕地上門。


Kaohsiung's Handmade Canvas Bookbags

◎English translation: Hou Ya-ting

◎Photos by Lin Yu-hung


  The King of Bookbags, which has been in business since 1959, is renowned throughout Kaohsiung for its handmade canvas bookbags. Its signature product is an A4-size messenger bag made of 100% cotton fabric. Thanks to the outstanding quality of their products, the shop has gained islandwide popularity. According to second-generation proprietor Lin Fang-jhou, the key to producing a durable bookbag is using pure cotton fabric weighing 12 ounces per square yard (340 grams per square meter; in the textiles trade, English units of measurement are used).

  Lin points out that thick, tightly-woven fabric is ideal for installing copper buckles, which can then endure frequent use without working loose. The veteran artisans he employs have superb sewing techniques, refined over more than 30 years. Wherever two pieces of fabric are joined, four pieces of fabric are sewed. As for the four corners of each button, six pieces of fabric are sewed with smooth curves, making each bookbag as sturdy as possible. In addition, the bags' shoulder straps can bear up to 30kg. When Lin began working at The King of Bookbags 26 years ago, he set a seaming standard of seven stitches per inch in order to ensure the highest quality. These days, The King of Bookbags sells its signature products not only to students, but also to grown-up customers.

   The King of Bookbags
   No.33, Daren Rd., Yancheng Dist.                   



耐用的棉質布書包 A durable canvas bookbag高雄手工製作的棉質布書包



